Federal Assistance Summary

Federal Assistance Summary

Indicates whether a district has Federal Expenditures above or below the $750,000 threshold in federal program monies for the fiscal year reported.    

The Federal Assistance Summary information must be entered prior to creating the Federal Assistance Detail information in order to link them together.

Create a Federal Assistance Summary Record

  1. From the Periodic menu select 'Federal Assistance Summary.'

  2. Click on .

    1. Enter in the required information for the summary record. 


      • Enter the fiscal year to be reported

      • Check the 'Assistance Over Threshold' if you have $750,000 or more in federal expenditures for the reporting year.

      • Optional: Enter a comment.

      • The County and Entity should be automatically pulled from CORE/Organization.

    1. Click on   to create the record, click on to not post and return to the grid.


Search/View Federal Assistance Summary Records

The Federal Assistance Summary grid allows the user to search for a record by clicking in the filter row in the grid columns and entering in the desired information.   Click on  to generate a report based on your filtered data. A report may be generated by running the Federal Detail Summary report under the Report Manager grid. Click on any row of the search results to see a summary view of the record.   Click on to see the full details of the record.    The Advanced Search can be utilized by clicking on the  in the upper right side of the grid.

Edit Federal Assistance Summary Record

Federal Assistance Summary records may be modified. Only fields that are allowed to be edited will be displayed.

  1. Search desired record on grid.

  2. Click on to edit the transaction.

    1. Make desired changes.

  3. Click on  to save desired changes or click on Cancel to not post the changes and return to the grid.

Delete Federal Assistance Summary Record

The delete function may be used to delete a summary record if there are no associated Federal Assistance Detail records.

  1. Search desired record on grid.

  2. Click on  to delete the transaction.

  3. Click on "Delete" to confirm the deletion.

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