2018-05-24 Sprint 219 Retrospective

2018-05-24 Sprint 219 Retrospective


May 24, 2018


@Former user (Deleted) @Former user (Deleted) @Former user (Deleted) @Former user (Deleted) @Former user (Deleted) @Former user (Deleted) 


What did we do well?

  • reviewed sprint discussion items

  • did limited testing to payment refactor

  • completed 5.9.0 issues by development deadline

  • released hotifx 5.8.1 on time and with committed patches

  • staying on top testing and not releasing any second tier tested issues

What should we have done better?

  • Worked bugs instead of sprint issues (+/-??)

  • Falling behind on code reviews / not spending enough time on reviews


@Former user (Deleted)  will document redesign payment structure