ESS Menu Options by ESS Role

Users may be assigned one or more roles in ESS. All users by default will be assigned the ‘User’ role. Click here for a grid view of the available Roles in ESS, their Kiosk counterpart, definition and an example of a district employee who may have the role.

Listed below is an overview of the ESS menu options available to a user based on their role(s) with hyperlinks to the specific chapter or area in the ESS user guide that explains the option in more detail.

User Role

ESS Demo for user with User role

Listed below are the menu options available for a user with User role.

  1. User Profile

  2. Home

    1. Change Password

    2. Announcement Board

    3. View Custom Links

  3. Employee Profile

    1. Create New Data Change Request

  4. Position Details

  5. View/Print Payslip

  6. View/Print W2

  7. Leave Information

  8. Leave Requests

    1. Create Leave Request

    2. My Leave Requests

  9. My Leave Calendar

  10. My Timesheets

  11. Help

Admin Role

Full access to all functions of ESS. NOTE: Careful consideration should be given when granting admin role to a district user.

District Manager Role

Access to all functions of ESS with the exception of creating, editing or deleting users with Admin role.

Announcement Board Manager

Access to the Announcement Manager menu option that includes ability to create/post announcements that will appear on the Home screen.

Leave Manager Role

Listed below are the menu options available for a user with the Leave Manager role:

  • Home screen’s Pending Workflows Tasks grid - Resend Leave Request Data area. This area will only ever include leave requests that failed to complete somewhere in the workflow process (usually due to technical issues… i.e., if a leave requests is processing final approval and ESS system goes down). The workflow for this leave request will be halted and will require manual intervention from the Leave Manager to re-send the data to the next step of the workflow process.

  • Access to the following Leave Request menu options:

    • Elevated Create Leave Requests

    • View District Leave

    • Export Leave Requests

  • Access to the entire Leave Management menu

  • Access to AESOP Integration’s Data Import View

  • Access to Batch Job

Leave Approval Workflow Manager

Listed below are the menu options available for a user with the Leave Approval Workflow Manager:

Leave Calendar Roles

  • Leave Calendar By Building: Access to Leave Calendars>District Leave Calendar. Use ‘Filters’ to view staff leave requests within the same building(s) as your position(s).

  • Leave Calendar by Department Code: Access to Leave Calendars>District Leave Calendar. Use ‘Filters’ to view staff leave requests within the same department code(s) as your position(s).

  • Leave Calendar by District Building: Access to Leave Calendars>District Leave Calendar. Use ‘Filters’ to view staff leave requests for all buildings within district.

  • Leave Calendar by Pay Group: Access to Leave Calendars>District Leave Calendar. Use ‘Filters’ to view staff leave requests within the same pay group(s) as your position(s).

  • Leave Calendar for District Staff: Access to Leave Calendars>District Leave Calendar. Use ‘Filters’ to view staff leave requests for selected employees.

Leave Request Approver Role

Allows user to view and approve their staff’s leave requests.

If a Kiosk user was included as a Group Member as an approver in Kiosk, this role is automatically granted in ESS after conversion. Otherwise if a Kiosk user was able to approve their staff’s leave due to being listed in the Supervisor field of their staff’s USPS Position record, the Leave Request Approver role must be added to their ESS User record either manually or via a spreadsheet update to their existing role.

Leave Supervisor for Staff Role

Allows user to view (only) their staff’s leave requests. NOTE: This role does not provide the ability to approve leave… user must have the Leave Request Approver role to approve leave.

Data Change Manager

Allows user to maintain employees' data change requests and post changes to USPS

Access to Data Change Management menu option

Substitute Coordinator Roles

  • Substitute Coordinator Role: Access to Sub Coordinator menu option which allows user ability to enter substitute information for any submitted leave request where substitute needed is checkmarked. The role also grants read-only access to Leave Requests>View District Leave

  • Substitute Coordinator - Read only Role: Read-only access to Sub Coordinator menu option for all submitted leave requests where substitute needed is checkmarked. The role also grants read-only access to Leave Requests>View District Leave

  • The following roles are yet to be determined in ESS:

    • Substitute Coordinator by Building

    • Substitute Coordinator by Building - Read only

    • Substitute Coordinator by Department Code

    • Substitute Coordinator by Pay Group

Timesheet Roles

Will be documented soon.

  • Timesheet Approver

  • Timesheet Manager

  • Timesheet Supervisor for Staff

Whitelist Manager

Users with Whitelist Manager Role have the ability to manage trusted websites that display on the custom links area of the Home screen. If a website has been whitelisted, they will be directed to the new site on click; whereas a URL that is not whitelisted, a dialog will appear to warn the user they are navigating to a new site.

Custom Links Manager

Users with Custom Link Manager Role have the ability to include web links that will appear on the Home Screen (i.e. district website, etc)

Metrics API

Will be documented soon.