USAS-R v7.29.1-1 Release Notes
Date | December 2, 2019 |
Issues | Getting issues... |
This is the first hotfix release for version 7.29. This hotfix corrects a problem with the new vendor adjustment rule released with 7.29.0. The rule was written to prevent posting vendor adjustments for an amount of $0.00. There is a patch that runs on newly imported databases to make sure vendor ledgers are generated for imported disbursements. When checks have items for $0.00 it caused a problem with the rule. We only want the rule to catch manual vendor adjustments posted by the user via the vendor UI, not ledgers auto created by disbursements. The rule has been updated to only apply to manually created vendor ledgers.
If you imported a district's data using release version 7.29.0 you may see the warning on the Activity Ledger grid that indicates the ledgers haven't completed. You can verify this by viewing the System\Monitor view and select the Status tab. Here you can see the 3 ActivityLedger jobs that still have a status of "STARTED". If that is the case you'll need to do the following:
Go to System\Configuration and edit the Activity Ledger Configuration to repost the ledgers on startup
Stop and remove the usasapp container only
start the usasapp container
If you need assistance with this process please open a support ticket and someone from the SSDT staff will assist you.
A hotfix or quick-fix is typically a single change that addresses a problem in the software. Hotfixes are made to address a specific concern and provide a quick solution.
Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release. There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes. General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS Documentation. There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS.