Cash Reconciliation

Cash Reconciliation

The Cash Reconciliation allows the user to create a monthly reconciliation sheet. 

Create a Cash Reconciliation

  1. From the Periodic menu select 'Cash Reconciliation'

  2. Click on 

    1. Enter in the required information for the preferred posting period.  Use the 'Description' and 'Amount' boxes to add your data and click on  to add it to above section box

    2. Click on   to post the month's cash reconciliation, click on to not post and return to the grid.  

    3. To generate a PDF-formatted report of your monthly cash reconciliation, please refer to the 'Search/View Monthly Cash Reconciliation' section.

A warning message will be displayed when saving the cash reconciliation if the fund total (total fund balance) and item total (total balances) do not match. The difference in the totals will be included in the message.


Search/View Monthly Cash Reconciliations

Cash Reconciliation grid allows the user to search for any monthly/yearly cash reconciliations by clicking in the filter row in the grid columns and entering in the desired information.  By default, the grid sorts first by fiscal year and then by most recent month within that fiscal year.  Click on  to generate a report based on your filtered data. Click on any row of the search results to see a summary view of the record.   Click on to see the full details on the monthly cash reconciliation.    The Advanced Search can be utilized by clicking on the  in the upper right side of the grid.

Print a Cash Reconciliation

When viewing an existing cash reconciliation, click on  to generate a PDF version of the report.

Edit Cash Reconciliations

Cash Reconciliations may be modified. Only fields that are allowed to be edited will be displayed. 

  1. Search desired monthly reconciliation on grid

  2. Click on to edit the transaction

    1. Make desired changes

  3. Click on  to save desired changes, click on Cancel to not post the changes and return to the grid.

The Fund Balance is calculated based on transactions for the selected posting period. If this field needs updated, the Posting Period would need to be opened to adjust transactions.

Clone Cash Reconciliations

  1. Search desired monthly cash reconciliation  on grid

  2. Click on  to view the cash reconciliation information

  3. Click on to clone the month's cash reconciliation information to a new month's cash reconciliation.

  4. Make the necessary changes and click on  to save the new month's cash reconciliation, or click on Cancel to not post and return to the cash reconciliation grid.

Delete Cash Reconciliations

The delete function may be used to delete a month's cash reconciliation.  NOTE: If the period is closed, you cannot delete that period's cash reconciliation.

  1. Search desired cash reconciliation on grid

  2. Click on  to delete the transaction

  3. Click on "Delete" to confirm the deletion

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