USPS 6.97.1 Release Notes
Date | Aug 1, 2023 |
Issues | Getting issues... |
Build Date | 2023-08-01 03:31:21 |
This is a hotfix release of USPS that rolls back FY24 EMIS reporting changes released as part of USPS v6.97.0. These changes should not have been applied until after the close of FY23 reporting.
Important highlights from this release
Bug Fixes
Rolled back FY24 reporting changes included on 6.97.0. Please note as part of the 6.97.0 release funding source codes J and X were removed if they were being used. After consultation with ODE we have determined this is not an issue as these should not have been used for FY23 reporting. We do want to make ITC staff aware of this however in case a school was using these and now has a blank funding source code. If this did occur the school should select a valid funding source code. If you experience this and require additional guidance please contact SSDT Support.