Accounts Receivable Processing

Accounts Receivable Processing

NOTE: The Account Receivable Module must be installed before you can access the Accounts Receivable menu.


  • Go to Accounts Receivable>Ledger Codes

  • Click on +CREATE+ 

  • Enter Details:

    • Code - can be numeric and/or alphanumeric with a maximum length of 15 characters.

    • Description

    • Days Til Due: (optional) sets the due date of the billing to the current date plus the amount of days entered

  • Click on Save.


  • Go To Accounts Receivable>Payments Locations

  • Click on +CREATE

  • Enter Details:

    • Location #

    • Name

    • Check box if this location should be the default payment location (can have only one default location)

    • Enter rest of the address information, emailed and phone number.

  • Click on Save.



  • Go to Accounts Receivable>Customers

  • Two options: Create an AR Customer or Create a Vendor Customer

    • click on +CREATE AR CUSTOMER tab to add an AR Customers type 

      • Enter Details:

        • Enter Customer number (or let it default to next one on file)

        • Enter Name 1 and (optional) Name 2 

        • Select Customer Type:

          • CUSTOMER

          • EMPLOYEE

          • STUDENT

        • Enter the rest of the customer address, phone and fax information.

      • Click on Save

    • click on +CREATE VENDOR CUSTOMER to add an existing USAS-R Vendor to the Customer grid.

      • Leave blank to use the USAS-R Vendor #

      • Enter the vendor name or number to filter down and select the existing USAS-R vendor you want to add to the Customer grid

      • Click on Save


  1. Go to Account Receivable>Billings

  2. Click  

  3. Enter desired information into the billing

    1. Enter an existing ledger code or select an existing code from the drop down.  

    2. Billing #: auto-assigned 

    3. Enter the Billing date (can be a date in current year, prior year or next fiscal year)

    4. Enter an existing customer or select one from the drop down.  

    5. Enter an existing payment location or select one from the drop down. 

    6. Due Date: Will use the 'days till due' from the ledger code; otherwise, it will default to a blank for user input  

    7. Attention: Optional field 

    8. Click on  to add items to the billing. Each line includes the following

      1. Line Number: line item number

      2. Service Date: enter date the service was performed

      3. Description: enter description of the item

      4. Amount: enter the amount for the billing item

      5. Remaining Amount: calculates remaining billing amount after payments have been made/credits have been applied to the item

      6. Amount Paid: calculates the amount paid on the billing item

      7. Applied Credit Amount: calculates amount of credit applied to the item

      8. Account: enter the account code to be credited.  The account code may be a revenue or expenditure account (reduction of expenditure).

    9. Click on Save.


  • Go to Accounts Receivable/Billings

  • Enter filters in grid row to find the desired billing

  • Click on the edit icon  for the billing

  • Make desired changes

  • Click Save.

  • Click the X in the upper right corner of the screen to close the window.