Account Creation and Modification
Cash Account Â
Go to Core/ Accounts
Click on Cash tab
Click on +CREATE
Fund and SCC for the new accountÂ
Description (if you leave blank system will auto assign AOS description)
Fund Type (If you leave blank the system will auto populate)
Note: unused custom fields can be removed
Click on SAVE
Expenditure AccountÂ
Go to Core/ Accounts
Click on Expenditure tab
Click on +CREATE
FUND, FUNC, OBJ, SCC, SUBJECT, OPU, IL and JOB for the new account
Description (if you leave blank system will auto assign AOS description)
Start date for new expenditure account
Click on SAVE. Â Click on X to close work screen
NOTE: If the Cash or Appropriation account does not exist, they will be automatically created
Revenue Account Â
Go to Core/ Accounts
Click on Revenue tab
Click on +CREATE
FUND, RECEIPT, SCC, SUBJECT and OPU for the new account
Description (if you leave blank system will auto assign AOS description)
Start date for new revenue account
Click on SAVE. Â Click on X to close the work screen
Edit Accounts
Go to Core/Account
Click on the appropriate tab (Cash, Appropriation, Expense, or Revenue)
Filter to find the account you want to edit by using the filter boxes on the grid
Click the  on the grid to the left of the Account you want to edit
Enter/modify any details as desired
Active if checked
Include in General if checked
Requires budgeting if checked
X Ref code (if applicable)
Start or stop dates
Include Certificate if account is to be included in certificate reporting
Click on SAVE. Â Click on the X to close the work screen