USAS-R v8.6.1 Release Notes


Nov 4, 2020 


Getting issues...

Build Date

Nov 3, 2020  18:58:15


This is the first hotfix release for version 8.6.0.  This hotfix corrects the following:

A problem that caused the calculated purchase order totals to incorrectly show as $0.00.  All data imported using version 8.6.0 was properly imported, but the calculated totals on the purchase orders were not refreshed, causing the totals to appear incorrect.  The hotfix includes a patch to refresh all purchase orders with a current total of $0.00 which will update the purchase orders and correct their totals.  The hotfix has also corrected the problem introduced with the last release, ensuring the purchase order totals are properly updated.

Issues included on this release

key summary type status resolution