USAS-R v7.32.1-6 Release Notes

USAS-R v7.32.1-6 Release Notes


Jan 9, 2020 


Getting issues...


This is the first hotfix release for version 7.32.  This hotfix includes the following:

  • A correction to the queryChecks method in the SOAP Bridge.  This problem directly impacted a third party vendor's ability to query checks when the result included payroll checks that had been assigned a physical check number.  

  • The Calendar Year End report bundle.  Please note, SSDT report bundles are currently based on events and are not available to be scheduled or run immediately like other bundles at this time,  If your district has already closed December and wants to generate the CYE bundle, please follow the instructions below.  If December has not been closed the report bundle will be generated when the December posting period is closed along with the Monthly Report Bundle.

Steps to generate the SSDT Calendar Year End Report Bundle if December was already closed.  This is a one time step in order to generate the 2019 Calendar Year End Report Bundle because this option was not available prior to closing December.  This will require reopening the period, which we typically do not encourage for the sake of running bundles.  If the district does not want to reopen December, a future change will allow running bundles for specified periods without reopening them.

  1. In order to generate the CYE bundle and not rerun the December Monthly Report bundle, the SSDT Monthly Report Bundle will need to be temporarily disabled.  To do this the ADMIN_REPORTS permission is required.  If the user who will be disabling the report bundle does not currently have the ADMIN_REPORTS permission, a new role should be created with this permission.  Then, this role can be assigned to the user who will need to disable and then re-enable the bundle.  

  2. Disable the SSDT Monthly Report Bundle

  3. Reopen the December posting period and make sure the process finishes.  This shouldn't take long, you'll just want to make sure the blue process indicator (line) is not flashing and is not visible.

  4. Close the December posting period.  This will trigger the event that runs the Calendar Year End Report Bundle.  Once complete, the reports will appear in the Monthly File Archive along with the December monthly reports.  These reports are prefaced with"Calendar Year End" in the name.  For example "Calendar Year End 1099 Vendor Report.pdf"

  5. Edit the user to remove the newly granted permission.

hotfix or quick-fix is typically a single change that addresses a problem in the software.  Hotfixes are made to address a specific concern and provide a quick solution.

Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release. There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes. General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS Documentation. There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS. 

Issues included on this release

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution