USAS-R v7.6.0-11 Release Notes

USAS-R v7.6.0-11 Release Notes


June 25, 2018


Getting issues...

Build Date

2018-06-25 23:27:11


This is the seventh production release of the USAS Redesign software; the first release for version 7.6.0.  This release contains various bug fixes, new features and report improvements.

Important Highlights

  1. USAEMSEDT options including:  Federal Assistance Detail, Federal Assistance Summary and Civil Proceedings; reports also included

  2. USAEMSDB - EMIS District and Building information; reports also included

  3. EMIS_SIF role created to work with data collector

  4. Budget Summary MOE report 

  5. Implemented the Spending Plan, formerly known as SM12.  Recreated Classic's SM2M and SM2MON reports, which are now named Spending Plan Summary and Spending Plan Monthly respectively

  6. Certificate of Available Balances report

  7. Added rules to warn (default rule) or prevent (optional rule) cash account from going negative

  8. Corrected problem printing Receipts

  9. Account filters are now properly applying to reports

  10. Server logs are available for display via System/Monitor

    1. The ability to send your server logs to the SSDT from the bottom of Help/About

    2. This will assist users and ITC staff in debugging issues and will allow them to securely send the logs to the SSDT without involving network operations staff

    3. Please note:  the SSDT is not automatically notified when the server logs are transmitted; please continue to send email to ssdt-feedback@nwoca.org to notify SSDT you've sent the log files for review

Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release.  There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes.  General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS Documentation.  There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS. 

Known Limitations

  1. Appropriation Resolution report does not properly total at the object code level when resolution levels are set to FD, FD, O1.
    USASR-3220: Appropriation Resolution Report not subtotaling correctlyResolved

  2. USASAUD auditor extract files - we have completed these; we are awaiting auditor approval.
    USASR-611: Create auditor's extraction file (USASAUD)Resolved

  3. EMIS extract file - we ran into a few minor problems while testing this with the data collector.  As soon as this issue is complete it will be made available on the 7.7.0 release.
    USASR-3226: Correct EMIS extractResolved

  4. The GAAP export is available, but is not excluding accounts with all zero amounts like Classic's export did.  

  5. USASR-2928: Correct GAAP ExportResolved

  6. The Budgeting module is in place and you can currently create next year proposed amounts.  We have planned improvements to this interface.  We need to add the ability to create those amounts in the current year, Classic's IAB options of Approp.
    USASR-2767: Budget Scenarios: Implement current year proposed amounts Resolved
    USASR-2766: Budget Scenario improvementsResolved

  7. Auto assign preferences for requisitions.  
    USASR-352: Implement auto-assign preferences for requisitionsResolved

Upcoming Features

  1. EMIS extract

  2. Improvements to Budget Scenarios

  3. Schedulable report process to replace MonthlyCD

Issues included on this release

key summary type status resolution