USAS-R v7.10.0-7 Release Notes

USAS-R v7.10.0-7 Release Notes


October 21, 2018


Getting issues...

Build Date

2018-10-19 17:50:25


This is the eleventh production release of the USAS Redesign software.  This release contains bug fixes, exciting new features, various report improvements and patches as detailed in the full release notes below.

Important Highlights

  1. Save it your way!  USASR-3167 Provides the user with the ability to choose how the Save button will function when entering transactions.  They can now choose to save and close the popup or save and create a new transaction by selecting the appropriate checkbox to the left of the Save button.  If neither checkbox is selected, the default behavior of the Save button is to keep the window open to review the transaction.  Once they make a selection the system will remember this option and behave this way each time they enter that UI/interface.  Each UI/interface is remembered independently, so you can choose save and create new when processing receipts for example, but save and close in another interface.
    This will be available on the AP Invoice interface once it's been rewritten into the new Vaadin style.

  2. USASR-3028  Recreates Classic's TBUDGET report as Title Budgets

  3. USASR-3304  Corrects a problem with repaying Advances from an archived posting period

  4. USASR-3313 and USASR-3348 Corrected various problems with the printed po.  Cloned pos were printing with incorrect values, pos in general were printing with legal verbage being truncated and the attention line displayed line one of the address instead of the proper value.

  5. USASR-3333  Updated the reports based on the Activity Ledger object to include default date ranges as these reports can be time intensive if run without date parameters.  This includes the various account activity and ledger reports and the financial detail report.

  6. USASR-3356  Implements a rule to require partial invoices to be posted before full invoices.

  7. USASR-3357  Updates the Group Manager role to include custom fields permissions.

  8. USASR-3362  Implemented performance improvements with regard to retrieving encumbrance amounts.

  9. USASR-3314  Creates an outstanding encumbrance report for the posting period the report is run.  Please see known limitations #1 below.

Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release.  There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes.  General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS Documentation.  There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS. 

Known Limitations

  1. USASR-3314: Create outstanding encumbrance for posting period reportResolved The new outstanding encumbrance report runs very slowly.  We are aware of this and have created Jira issue USASR-3384 to improve the report's performance.

  2. The ability to share reports is currently unavailable.  This will be corrected via the 7.10.1 hotfix.

  3. Account filters are causing a performance problem in the application.  The work around is to temporarily remove account filters.  This will be corrected via the 7.10.1 hotfix.

  4. The GAAP export is available, but is not excluding accounts with all zero amounts like Classic's export did.  USASR-2928: Correct GAAP ExportResolved

  5. Auto assign preferences for requisitions.   USASR-352: Implement auto-assign preferences for requisitionsResolved

  6. The Expense/Receipt worksheets, while they provide 3 years of history, those amounts are not currently being subtotaled by control breaks.  We've created Jira issue USASR-3275: Update Budgeting worksheets to allow prior year transaction amounts to be totaledResolved to allow those amounts to be subtotaled.  This issue will also allow the data to display in separate columns if included on the budgeting spreadsheets via the Budget Scenarios.

  7. Add Account Change back to the menu USASR-3343: Correct problems with Account ChangeResolved

  8. Page Break option prevents report from generating USASR-3335: Pagebreak option prevents report from generatingResolved

Upcoming Features

  1. Implement 1099 Processing

  2. Schedulable report process to replace Classic's MonthlyCD program

  3. Mass add accounts USASR-596: Implement mass add capabilities for accountsResolved

Issues included on this release

key summary type status resolution

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