Volume 3 Issue 1 - October 2019

Volume 3 Issue 1 - October 2019

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EMIS Staff Reporting

The checklist below includes the EMIS reporting steps in the USPS Redesign 

  1. ____Update the EMIS Configuration Fiscal Year
          a. Go to System>Configuration>EMIS Reporting Configuration. Enter in the new fiscal year and click 
  2. ____If a district has or needs to have CC or CJ records, go to Core>EMIS Entry option and add or update the respective records.
    1. If CJ records are required, this module will need to be turned on through System>Modules>EMIS Contractor Module.  
  3. ____Once all data has been added successfully to the respective record, click the Extract CJ or Extract CC record option within the CC or CJ records.
  4. ____Save the CC or CJ file to your desktop or a folder of your choosing. This file will then need to be either uploaded to the data collector by the payroll employee or sent to their EMIS coordinator for uploading.  If needing to correct errors, contact your ITC if you can't resolve.
  5. ____Clearing long term illness data from last fiscal year
    1. To clear long term illness data, the Mass Change feature will need to be turned on. To do this go to System>Modules and click on the  next the Mass Change Service.
      1.  Go to Core>Employee.
      2.  If you wish to filter for any long term illness employees on the grid, click More and under Staff Demographics click Long Term Illness. You can then filter the Long Term Illness field entering on the grid >0.00.
    2.  You will then click on the Mass Change button.
    3.  Go to the bottom of the screen and chose Execution mode.
    4.  Go to Load Definition and choose from the drop down Clear EMIS Long Term Illness.
    5.  Click Submit Mass Change.
  6. ____Incrementing the years of experience for employee:  Currently there is not a definition to increment experience years (it is being worked on) so if your district would like to mass load this data now, they can do the following
    1. Go to Core Employee
    2. On your grid from More choose Number, Last Name, First Name, Authorized Experience, Total Experience, Principal Experience and Terminated Date
    3. Go to the Advance Query and choose termination date and Operation=IS_NULL and then click Apply Query.
    4. You can then remove the termination Date from the grid or it can be removed from your csv file later.
    5. Click on Reports
    6. For Format choose from the drop down option Excel-FieldNames
    7. Default report name is Employee Report. Can be changed if desired
    8. Click Generate Report
    9. Save report to desktop or a folder of your choosing
    10. Using a formula in excel you can update the years of experience.
    11. If you did not already do so remove the Termination date from the csv file
    12. Save the file as a CSV
    13. Using Utilities/Mass Load locate your file and then choose Employees as the Importable Entity
    14. Click Load
  7. ____Set prior fiscal years contracts 'Report to EMIS' to not reportable. 
    1. Once Final EMIS submission is closed, please contact your ITC to run a procedure to set prior fiscal years compensation records to false.
  8. ____Clear any value in EMIS override fields (Go to Positions under EMIS Related Information - Contract Amount/Contract Work Days/EMIS Override Hours In the Day or you can use Mass Load creating a spreadsheet using the format 'Excel-FieldNames' from the Position grid, including Number, Pos#, Contract Amount, Contract Work Days, Hours In the Day.
    1. Once final EMIS submission is closed, please contact your ITC to run a procedure to clear.

Any questions on EMIS related fields, please click go to the EMIS Entry documentation.

Spending Plan in USAS-R

The SM reports in Classic have been a workhorse for tracking district budget vs. actual revenues and expenditures in the current fiscal year.  In Redesign, the Spending Plan (replacement for Classic's SM1MNT) has been refined for easier use and reporting. Under the Periodic drop-down menu, the Spending Plan can be created and maintained.

The Spending Plan is a management document which should present a true reflection of the estimated financial condition of the district from July through June. This estimate may reflect a deficit or positive balance according to the "spending plan" proposed for those twelve months. The spending plan is written in a format matching the Five-Year Forecast (up through line 8.01) and will track the estimated monthly amounts and allows you to change estimates for each of the line items from the Five-Year Forecast for each month of the designated fiscal year.  

Create a Spending Plan estimate

  1. From the Periodic menu, select 'Spending Plan'
  2. Click on 'Create' and
    1. Select the fiscal year.
    2. Select the ODE forecast line number.

Any calculated lines from the Five-Year Forecast will not be available to choose from.  This includes subtotal and total lines from the Five-Year Forecast.

    1. Enter the estimated amount for the desired month and select 'SAVE' to save the changes.  The FY Estimated field is calculating the monthly estimate figures that are entered.

Once the Spending Plan has been created, it can be edited by line and deleted as necessary.  This spending plan will automatically pull in your estimated figures and the district actual figures into one report for comparison.  Each line of the spending plan aligns to the general fund forecast lines.

The Spending Plan Reports, similar to the SM reports in Classic's SM12 program, are located on both the Home page and in the Reports Manager. 

The current reports are:

  • SSDT Spending Plan Comparison (similar to Classic's SM2CMP)
    • compares actual to estimated figures listing amounts by month
    • displays 3 lines per forecast line number (one for estimate; one for actual; and one containing difference between the two)
  • SSDT Spending Plan Monthly (similar to Classic's SM2MON)
    • displays monthly actual amounts for each forecast line number
    • no estimates included
  • SSDT Spending Plan Summary (similar to Classic's SM2M)
    • enter the fiscal year and a beginning and ending month range 
    • displays the current periods (selected) total actual amounts for each line number and also includes FY estimate and actual amounts as well as the difference between the two

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Did You Know?

Shared Reports Library

The State Software Steering Committee's Reports Working Group has created a repository of template report definitions for both USAS & USPS that anyone can download and import into the Redesign.  The links for the repository can be easily accessed through the "Help" menu in USAS-R & USPS-R.  

The repository reports allow users to download different versions of some of the existing SSDT template reports that the SSSC's Reports Working Group has created.  For example, the USAS repository includes several Budget Summary report definitions with various sort options (i.e sorted/subtotaled by Fund, or Fund, Function and Object code, etc.)  Click here to view the report definitions currently available in the Shared Reports Library.  The downloadable report definition, a PDF example of what the report looks like once generated and a detailed description of the report are included on the repository.



Sites Live on Redesign


Total Wave 4 Sites


Participating ITCs


Total Districts Participating

Please see the Current List of Districts & Status to see a comprehensive list of school districts along with their ITC, implementation status and the wave they are scheduled to migrate from Classic to Redesign.

The following terminology is used to determine where in the implementation process the entity is currently at:

  • Implementing: The ITC is running test imports and balancing reports on the entity.  The district and ITC are working to schedule dates to begin dual processing and go live.
  • Paralleling: The entity is inputting all production transactions into both Classic and Redesign.
  • Live: The entity is using Redesign for production processing; no parallel processing is being performed;  Classic is available in 'read-only' mode.

Auditor Access/Reports in USXS-R

Listed below are a few tips/tricks to assist auditors in working with the Redesign software:

  • Total As Of Period
    • When running account-based reports for the prior year, there is no need to set the current period back to June of the prior year or re-open a period.  Instead, auditors can use the "Total As of Period" parameter provided on many of the account-based reports (i.e. Budget Summary) and enter a date in the prior fiscal year (i.e. 06/30/2019) which will report the data as of that time period.  
  • Report Crosswalk
    • Report crosswalks are available in both USAS-R & USPS-R documentation that the auditors can reference.  The crosswalks contains the name of the Redesign report and its Classic counterpart.
  • User Listing Report
    • If the auditors are requesting a report of Redesign user accounts, SSDT has provided template report definitions available in the User chapters in both USAS-R & USPS-R.  You can download the 'User Listing' report definition and import it into Redesign and generate a report containing the Username, Name, Last Login and Role(s) of each user in the entity.

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