Volume 6 Issue 7 - June 2023


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Q: Can it really be that time already?  A: Yes! 

June 30th, the close of another fiscal year, is quickly approaching.  Listed below are some key USPS components in making your fiscal year end is a smooth one. We encourage you to review these check points sometime between now and then, preferably as soon as possible. 

  •  Do you have an employee retiring at the end of the fiscal year and they are provided life insurance over $50,000?  If so, first the cost of the life insurance over $50,000 will need to be calculated. Then, as one of the employee's final payments, a payment using Payroll>Payroll Payments - Future or Payroll Payments - Current, with the Pay Type of Life Insurance, and the Rate equaling the calculated cost will need to be entered.  Click here for more information regarding Group-Term Life Insurance provided in our documentation (which also includes a link to the IRS for additional information). 
  • Run all STRS Reports for early verification.  Running these after the last payroll of the fiscal year could be too late!    
    • Go to Reports>STRS Reporting>STRS Advance.  
      • Generate the Non-Advance Positions Report.  Are there employees listed that shouldn't be?  
        • Remember, the criteria for an employee to appear on the Non-Advance Positions Report is the following:
          • The employee must have a Position with the Retirement Code set to STRS and the Position must have a Job Status of Active or Inactive.  It must also have a Contract or Legacy Compensation for the Position.
          • The employee must have a Contract Compensation with a date range that falls within the current date.
          • The Compensation Pays Paid must be less than the Pays In Contract and there must be Contract Work Days on the Compensation greater than 0.
          • The Compensation Contract Work Days does not equal the Contract Days Worked or the Compensation Contract Work Days must equal the Contract Days Worked as of June 30 (determined using work days from the calendars).
      • Generate the Advanced Positions Report Are there employees listed or not listed that should/shouldn't be?  Is the service credit for each employee correct?  Are your rehired retirees listed as expected?  
        • Remember the criteria for an employee to appear on the Advanced Positions Report is the following:
          • The employee must have a Position with the Retirement Code set to STRS and the Position must have a Job Status of Active or Inactive.
          • The employee must have a Contract Compensation with a date range that falls within the current date.
          • The Compensation Contract Work Days must equal the Contract Days Worked or the Compensation Contract Work Days must equal the Contract Days Worked as of June 30 (determined using work days from the calendars). 
          • The Compensation Contract Work Days and Contract Days Worked must be greater than 0. 
          • The Compensation Pays Paid must be less than the Pays In Contract.
          • The Compensation Contract Obligation – Amount Paid – Amount Docked must be greater than 0.
      • Generate the Advance Fiscal Year to Date Report.  Is the service credit for each employee correct?  Are your rehired retirees listed as expected?  Begin balancing the figures in the Report Totals section.
        • Remember the criteria for an employee to appear on the Advanced Positions Report is the following:
          • The employee must have a Position with the Retirement Code set to STRS.
          • The employee must have earnings in the current fiscal year. Earnings are a sum of 3 things:
            1. For an advancing Compensation, the accrued wages will be added to earnings (Accrued Wages = Contract Obligation – Amount Paid – Amount Docked). 
            2. Adjustment journals with the Type of Total Gross that are applying to a STRS Payroll item for the employee with a Transaction Date within the fiscal year.
            3. The Applicable Gross of historical STRS Payroll items paid to the employee on payrolls that were not imported from Classic and have a pay date within the fiscal year.
          • The employee must have a Contract Compensation with a date range that falls within the current date AND the Compensation Pays Paid is not equal to Pays In Contract or the Compensation has been paid in the fiscal year OR the employee must have a Non Contract Compensation with a date range that falls within the fiscal year.

New for this Fiscal Year End (for those districts who advance their employees):

Payrolls with a July or later pay date cannot be processed unless the STRS Advance submission file has been generated. The following error will occur if the first payroll in July is initialized before creating the STRS Advance Submission file:


Please refer to our June 2022 feature article for additional STRS Advance information.   

USAS Tips for Fiscal Year End    

As you prepare for fiscal year end, here is some information to keep in mind for USAS.

  • You can prepare your requisitions now for the new fiscal year, dating them 7/1/23, as long as your July 2023 Posting Period has been created and is open.  If July is not opened by the user, the system will automatically open the July posting period during the process of closing June (which also closes the fiscal year).  The USAS Requisition Approval Workflow can also be utilized while still maintaining the 7/1/23 requested PO date entered when preparing the requisition. 
  • The All Amounts Zero parameter on the Appropriation Resolution report was updated this past year to include accounts that may add up to zero but were previously being excluded because the ending balance was zero.   For example, if an account had ($1000) appropriated with $1000 Prior FY Carry Over, the Appropriation of zero (0.00) is now reported on the Appropriation Resolution report.
  • After reviewing the fiscal year’s revenues and expenditures, you should review your Federal Funds and create your FY23 Federal Assistance Summary record under the Periodic menu in USAS.  This information will be included in the EMIS extract.  By check marking the box , the EMIS extract will indicate that the district/entity has expended more than $750,000 of federal funds in one year.
  • After creating the FY23 Federal Assistance Summary record, you can then clone the FY22 Federal Assistance Detail records to help create the same detail records for FY23.  You will still need to edit the cloned record to include a new cash account and figures. The system will populate the figures at the time when the cash account is selected.  However, you also have the option to manually enter the Federal Contributions Received and Expended amounts.  
    • For any 5xx cash accounts, the FYTD revenues/expenditures will automatically populate based on the current posting period. NOTE: If there are changes to the FYTD revenues/expenditures after the Federal Assistance Detail record is created, the record will need to be edited in order to update the figures.  You can do this by clicking off the selected cash account and reselecting the cash account. 
    • For any non-5xx cash accounts (i.e., 006-0000), the FYTD revenues/expenditures will not automatically populate when entering the cash account.  However, an account filter can be created and once the cash account and account filter are selected, the received/expended amounts will populate (or you can also manually enter the expended and received amounts).
      • TIP: When creating the non-5xx funds account filters, they can be set up for 'read' access.
      • Important!  The FYTD Received and Expended figures will exclude any Transfers/Advances.  You can verify the figures pulled in with the Cash Account on the Core>Account menu or via reports (i.e., Budget/Revenue Summary).


  • As you prepare your Period H collection data, keep in mind that:
    • the EMIS Fund Category value on the cash account that was previously used to populate the ODE Brief Description will no longer be included in the SIF per EMIS Change 23-86.
    • The optional payables amount reported on the ODE Element QC260 will also show zero and will not be required per the EMIS update 24-51. 
    • The EMIS changes regarding subject codes were also updated in the USAS application.  
    • Prior to generating the EMIS Extract file in USAS, you must complete the Cash Reconciliation, the Federal Assistance Summary/Detail records, Civil Proceedings (if any), and the District & Building Profiles.  The Fiscal Year must be updated in the EMIS SOAP Service Configuration under System>Configuration menu to reflect the FY being reported for Period H.  The SIF Agent will pull the other Period H files that include the Cash, Expenditure and Revenue accounts, the account data and the operational units for the year specified. 
  • The Accounts Payable Report is also a report that should be generated and reviewed.  This report can be generated to reflect all payable amounts as of the last day of the fiscal year for GAAP reporting and includes many sort and subtotal options.  Although the Reported Date may be edited, it defaults to the last day of the fiscal year.  Thus, using a 6/30 date, you may generate this report any time after the end of the fiscal year and still generate a report reflecting those payables that were encumbered as of June 30th.   

If you select the box to Include invoice date in selection, the report will show any PO items with received dates and invoice dates prior to the specified date (i.e., 6/30).  Therefore, using the specified date of 6/30/23, the report with this option unchecked will reflect any items with only received dates of 6/30/23 and prior.

  • We have a couple of FYE related improvements that are scheduled to be released soon.
    • Create a rule to prevent invoicing a future fiscal year purchase order.
    • Prevent the system from creating the July posting period when the account change process is performed in June.   

Don't forget to use your USAS Fiscal Year End Checklist when you are ready to close out for the year.  Please contact your ITC for the recommended checklist you should be using.

Useful links:

In May, the SSDT support staff recorded an EMIS Staff Common Errors training session we conducted with ITC staff.  If you want to know more about how to resolve staff data collector errors, this recording is a must see! Our team reviewed how to debug common EMIS errors in USPS, digging deeper into some of the Level 1 errors generated and how to find and resolve them in USPS. Some of the debugging tips will involve assistance from your ITC.  Supporting materials included a PowerPoint highlighting what was covered during the session as well an extremely helpful spreadsheet that lists the Level 1 errors, their severity (fatal or warning) and where in USPS the errors are coming from for each type of record (CI, CK, CJ and CC).  Keep this spreadsheet handy!

Did You Know?

MOE related report/Account Filter

You can review your MOE related expenditures prior to submitting your FY23 data to ODE by generating the SSDT Budget Summary MOE Report.  This report uses the ssdt-moe account filter in order to produce a report containing the accounts involved in the Maintenance of Effort - IDEA.  Just a reminder, the ssdt-moe account filter can be applied to other reports as well (i.e., Budget Account Activity Report) in order to cross check your MOE requirements.

Did You Know?

Classic's RPTSUM Replacement is here!  Check out the new Reporting Entity Count Summary Report

The Report Entity Count Summary Report is an employee level report that can be extremely helpful in researching and verifying days/weeks being sent to STRS, SERS, EMIS, and ODJFS. 

Keep in mind the dates entered for each entity should represent the following:

  • Retirement days start and days end:  The date range should be the first payroll's start date and the last payroll's ending date.
  • ODJFS weeks start and weeks end: 
    • The system will start by finding the first Saturday of the quarter. The start date then becomes the preceding Sunday of the first Saturday of the month entered in the ODJFS weeks start field.
    • The end date then becomes the last Saturday of the month entered in the ODJFS weeks end field. 
  • EMIS days start and EMIS days end:  The date range should be the first payroll's start date and the last payroll's ending date. (please click on image below for enhanced view)

  We encourage you to give this new report a look! 

Did You Know?

Adding account codes for the new fiscal year?

USAS account codes for the new fiscal year can be added in advance! When creating the account, use the Start Date field to enter a date of 7/1/23 on the account record to prevent the account from being used on transactions unless it's dated in the new FY. More information on creating accounts can be found here.

If adding a large number of accounts:

  • The Mass Add option (found on the Cash Account record) may be used to copy all appropriation, expenditure, and revenue accounts in a cash account to a new special cost center within that same fund. 
  • The Mass Load option allows you to add new accounts using a spreadsheet. The Start Date can be included when using this option.

Did You Know?

FYE 2023 Supporting Materials

SSDT has a dedicated page on our wiki containing presentations and supporting materials covered during our recent FYE meeting with ITC staff.  Many of the supporting links on this page may be helpful to you as you prepare to close the fiscal year for USAS, USPS & Inventory.  NOTE: This page contains generic closing checklists for each application.  Your ITC may supply different instructions depending on their policies and procedures so please contact your ITC for the recommended closing checklist you should be using.